Let's Go!
We're excited to announce our theme for poetry and CNF for 2024 and our plans for 2025!

As we return to open calls for submissions, we want you to think about 1) "Climate Change." How is the environment changing and why? What are we losing? Gaining? How does climate change impact us individually and globally? What can inspire change or conversation? What's your/our relationship to the climate? Show us in your poetry and CNF.
And 2) "Compose." Tell us what it means to you. Tell us about a time you weren't composed. A time you were too joyful, too devastated, too full, too empty to be composed. Tell us about the importance of composing, of creating—words, music, art—in your life in these turbulent times. Tell us what something is composed of, and how the whole is more than (or less than) the sum of its parts. Interpret "compose" as broadly and as creatively as you like. Just send us your best work!

Thinking and planning ahead, we will have an open call the beginning of 2025 for poetry, creative nonfiction, and photography on the theme, "aging." We will be looking for pieces that explore the aging process and experience, no matter the age. What are views, behaviors, questions, desires, explorations as it relates to aging? We will share more later but we are already looking forward to the work we will receive and to the conversation this printed collection will inspire.
How to submit
Check our submission page during the submission windows (April 1-15, Sept 1-15) to access the link. We are moving to Duotrope (Submittable is too expensive for us) where you can create an account and submit for free (and it's more more cost-friendly for us). We look forward to reading your unpublished work soon.